Mark Drumbl , Washington and Lee School University School of Law Follow
Jose E. Alvarez , Columbia Law School
David Partlett , Washington and Lee University School of Law
David Millon , Washington and Lee University School of Law Follow
Blake D. Morant , Washington and Lee University School of Law
Detlev F. Vagts , Harvard Law School
Paul F. Kirgis , St. John's University School of Law
John H. Jackson , Georgetown University Law Center
Lucinda A. Low , Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Malgosia Fitzmaurice , Queen Mary University of London
Joan M. Shaughnessy , Washington and Lee University School of Law
Brian C. Murchison , Washington and Lee University School of Law Follow
Samuel W. Calhoun , Washington and Lee University School of Law Follow
David Wirth , Boston College Law School
Roger D. Groot , Washington and Lee University School of Law
Mark Grunewald , Washington and Lee University School of Law Follow
Recommended Citation
Mark Drumbl, Jose E. Alvarez, David Partlett, David Millon, Blake D. Morant, Detlev F. Vagts, Paul F. Kirgis, John H. Jackson, Lucinda A. Low, Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Joan M. Shaughnessy, Brian C. Murchison, Samuel W. Calhoun, David Wirth, Roger D. Groot, and Mark Grunewald,
A Tribute to Frederic L. Kirgis , 62 Wash . & Lee L. Rev . 833
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Since October 17, 2011
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