Sights, Sounds, and Sensibilities of Atrocity Prosecutions (Mark A. Drumbl & Caroline Fournet eds., 2024)

Sights, Sounds, and Sensibilities of Atrocity Prosecutions (Mark A. Drumbl & Caroline Fournet eds., 2024)



This book unlocks the look, sound, smell, taste, and feel of justice for massive human rights abuses. Twenty-nine expert authors examine the dynamics of the five human senses in how atrocity is perceived, remembered, and condemned. This book is chockful of images. It serves up remarkably diverse content. It treks around the globe: from Pacific war crimes trials in the aftermath of the Second World War to Holocaust proceedings in contemporary Germany, France, and Israel; from absurd show trials in Communist Czechoslovakia to international courtrooms in Arusha, Phnom Penh, and The Hague. Readers embark on a journey that transcends myriad dimensions, including photographic representations of grandfatherly old torturers in Argentina, narco-trafficking in Mexico, colonialisation in India, disinformation and misinformation pixelated in cyberspace, environmental degradation in Cambodia, militarism in Northern Ireland, and civil rights activism in Atlanta. Sights, Sounds, and Sensibilities of Atrocity Prosecutions reimagines what an atrocity means, reconsiders what drives the manufacture of law, and reboots the role of courtrooms and other mechanisms in the pursuit of justice. It unveils how law translates sensory experience into its procedures and institutions, and how humanistic inputs shape perceptions of right and wrong. This book thereby offers a refreshing primer on the underappreciated role of aesthetics, time, and emotion in the world of law.



Publication Date



Brill | Nijhoff


Criminal Law | Human Rights Law | International Humanitarian Law | Law | Military, War, and Peace

Sights, Sounds, and Sensibilities of Atrocity Prosecutions (Mark A. Drumbl & Caroline Fournet eds., 2024)
