Histories of the Jewish ‘Collaborator’: Exile, Not Guilt, in The New Histories of International Criminal Law: Retrials (Immi Tallgren & Thomas Skouteris eds., 2019)
The language of international criminal law has considerable traction in global politics, and much of its legitimacy is embedded in apparently 'axiomatic' historical truths. This innovative edited collection brings together some of the world's leading international lawyers with a very clear mandate in mind: to re-evaluate ('retry') the dominant historiographical tradition in the field of international criminal law. Carefully curated, and with contributions by leading scholars, The New Histories of International Criminal Law pursues three research objectives: to bring to the fore the structure and function of contemporary histories of international criminal law, to take issue with the consequences of these histories, and to call for their demystification. The essays discern several registers on which the received historiographical tradition must be retried: tropology; inclusions/exclusions; gender; race; representations of the victim and the perpetrator; history and memory; ideology and master narratives; international criminal law and hegemonic theories; and more. This book intervenes critically in the fields of international criminal law and international legal history by bringing in new voices and fresh approaches. Taken as a whole, it provides a rich account of the dilemmas, conundrums, and possibilities entailed in writing histories of international criminal law beyond, against, or in the shadow of the master narrative.
Publication Date
Oxford University Press
Criminal Law | Holocaust and Genocide Studies | International Law | Jewish Studies | Law | Legal History
Repository Citation
Mark A. Drumbl, Histories of the Jewish ‘Collaborator’: Exile, Not Guilt, in The New Histories of International Criminal Law: Retrials (Immi Tallgren & Thomas Skouteris eds., 2019),