Catherine Smith, Tanya Washington & Robin Walker Sterling, The Absence of a Unified Theory in Children’s Fourteenth Amendment Jurisprudence, in International Survey of Family Law (Robin Fretwell Wilson & June Carbone eds., 2024)

Catherine Smith, Tanya Washington & Robin Walker Sterling, The Absence of a Unified Theory in Children’s Fourteenth Amendment Jurisprudence, in International Survey of Family Law (Robin Fretwell Wilson & June Carbone eds., 2024)



The 2024 edition of the International Survey continues the celebration of the International Society of Family Law’s (ISFL) fiftieth anniversary. This second of two Jubilee editions begins with memorials to Professor Sanford Katz, a giant in the field of family law, adds reflections on the Society’s history and contributions to the global development of family, and includes retrospectives on 50 years of family law development on topics such as the marriage equality debate, the International Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the distinctive evolution of family law in Brazil, given its colonial heritage, China, with its feudal origins, France, Italy, and Portugal, where the national developments have taken place in dialogue with the European Court of Human Rights, Taiwan, in light of the changing status of women, and the United States, in the context of a federal system that sometimes produces convergence and other times divergence among the fifty states.



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Comparative and Foreign Law | Family Law | International Law | Juvenile Law | Law

Catherine Smith, Tanya Washington & Robin Walker Sterling, The Absence of a Unified Theory in Children’s Fourteenth Amendment Jurisprudence, in International Survey of Family Law (Robin Fretwell Wilson & June Carbone eds., 2024)
