Volume 66, Issue 3 (2009)
Includes articles from a symposium, Protecting Virtual Playgrounds: Children, Law, and Play OnlinePrefatory Matter
The AIG Bailout
William K. Sjostrum, Jr.
Introduction [to the Symposium]
Joan M. Shaughnessy
Play and the Search for Identity in the
Cyberspace Community
Dorothy G. Singer
A Review of the Effects of Violent Video
Games on Children and Adolescents
Jodi L. Whitaker and Brad J. Bushman
Online Dangers: Keeping Children and
Adolescents Safe
Jodi L. Whitaker and Brad J. Bushman
Developmental Implications of Children's
Virtual Worlds
Kaveri Subrahmanyam
Fertility and Virtual Reality
Edward Castronova
Sex Play in Virtual Worlds
Robin Fretwell Wilson
Protecting Children in Virtual Worlds
Without Undermining Their Economic,
Educational, and Social Benefits
Robert Bloomfield and Benjamin Duranske
Virtual Parentalism
Joshua A.T. Fairfield
Virtual Heisenberg: The Limits of Virtual
World Regulability
Viktor Mayer-Schonberger
Failed Rescue: Why Davis v. FEC Signals
the End to Effective Clean Elections
E. Stewart Crosland