Publications from 1997
A Mythical State's Attitude Toward the Role of the United Nations Maintaining and Restoring Peace, Frederic L. Kirgis
Politics and the Constitution, Lewis H. LaRue
You are the Man, Andrew W. McThenia Jr.
Publications from 1996
A Fresh Look at Offender Characteristics, Nora V. Demleitner
A Response to Mathias Reimann: More, More, More But Real Comparative Law, Nora V. Demleitner
1996-97 Supreme Court Preview: Mock Arguments in Clinton v. Jones, Michael J. Gerhardt and Rodney A. Smolla
The Formative Years of the American Society of International Law, Frederic L. Kirgis
The Ghosts of Homer Plessy, Rodney A. Smolla
Tales of AALL History (Stories of "My First Annual Meeting"), Sarah K. Wiant
Publications from 1995
Impartiality in the Classroom: A Personal Account of a Struggle to Be Evenhanded in Teaching About Abortion, Samuel W. Calhoun
A Dedication to Randall P. Bezanson, John W. Elrod, Mark H. Grunewald, Lewis H. LaRue, J. Hardin Marion, Doug Rendleman, and Allan W. Vestal
The Security Council's First Fifty Years, Frederic L. Kirgis
"Neither Force Nor Will", Lewis H. LaRue
Probability and Proof in State v. Skipper: An Internet Exchange, Lewis H. LaRue
Telling Stories about Constitutional Law, Lewis H. LaRue
Regulating Choice: A Constitutional Law Response to Professor John A. Robertson's Children of Choice, Ann MacLean Massie
Interpretation and Interdependence: How Judges Use the Avoidance Canon in Separation of Powers Cases, Brian C. Murchison
Refining the Government Relations Program: The Final Report of the Task Force on AALL's Government Relations Activities, Sarah K. Wiant
Publications from 1994
Forced Prostitution: Naming an International Offense, Nora V. Demleitner
Organized Crime and Prohibition: What Difference Does Legalization Make?, Nora V. Demleitner
Degrees of Self-Determination in the United Nations Era, Frederic L. Kirgis
The Problem of Theory in Poethics, Lewis H. LaRue
West on Story and Theory, Lewis H. LaRue
A Tribute to J. Timothy Philipps, Andrew W. McThenia
Book Review, Norman Doe, Fundamental Authority in Late Medieval English Law (1990), David K. Millon
Sullivan's Paradox: The Emergence of Judicial Standards of Journalism, Brian C. Murchison
Comment on Judge Joseph F. Weis, Jr., Service by Mail--Is the Stamp of Approval From the Hague Convention Always Enough?, Doug Rendleman
Comment on Judge Joseph F. Weis, Jr., Service by Mail--Is the Stamp of Approval From the Hague Convention Always Enough?, Doug Rendleman
The Trial of Oliver Wendell Holmes, Rodney A. Smolla
Publications from 1993
New Approaches To Corporate Law, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
For the Civil Practitioner: Review of Fourth Circuit Opinions in Civil Cases Decided November 1, 1991 Through December 31, 1992: XI - Securities Regulation, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Corporate Takeovers and Corporate Law: Who's in Control?, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
Withdrawal of Treatment for Minors in a Persistent Vegetative State: Parents Should Decide, Ann MacLean Massie
New Directions In Corporate Law Communitarians, Contractarians, And The Crisis In Corporate Law, David K. Millon
For the Civil Practitioner: Review of Fourth Circuit Opinions in Civil Cases Decided November 1, 1991 Through December 31, 1992: VII - Federal Civil Procedure, Joan M. Shaughnessy
Information, Imagery, and the First Amendment: A Case for Expensive Protection of Commercial Speech, Rodney A. Smolla
Publications from 1992
Conviction Without Imposition: A Response to Professor Greenawalt, Samuel W. Calhoun
Making (Corporate) Law In A Skeptical World, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Securities Fraud and the Mirage of Repose, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Stories Versus Theories at the Cardozo Evidence Conference: It's Just Another Metaphor to Me, Lewis H. LaRue
Objectivity and Democracy, David K. Millon
The Concept of Independence in Public Law, Brian C. Murchison
Irreparability Irreparably Damaged, Doug Rendleman
Booth v. Maryland, Insights into the Contemporary Challenges to Judging, Joan M. Shaughnessy
Harlot's Ghost and JFK: A Fictional Conversation with Norman Mailer, Oliver Stone, Earl Warren and Hugo Black, Rodney A. Smolla
Limitations on Family Size: Potential Pressures on the Rights of Privacy and Procreation, Rodney A. Smolla
Winds of Change: Perspectives on the World's Search for Stable Democracy, Rodney A. Smolla and Darlene P. Bradberry
Publications from 1991
Sovereignty Over Corporate Stock, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Civil Resistance Or Holy Obedience? Reflections From Within A Community Of Resistance, Andrew W. McThenia, Jr.
Redefining Corporate Law, David K. Millon
Disobedience And Coercive Contempt Confinement: The Terminally Stubborn Contemnor, Doug Rendleman
Affirmative Action in the Marketplace of Ideas, Rodney A. Smolla
Publications from 1990
Did Custer Disobey?, Samuel W. Calhoun
Misreading the Judeo-Christian Tradition and the Law: A Response to Professor Smolin, Samuel W. Calhoun
The Delaware Judiciary and the Meaning of Corporate Life and Corporate Law, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
The Case Beyond Time, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
Admission of "Palestine" as a Member of a Specialized Agency and Withholding Payment of Assessments in Response, Frederic L. Kirgis
Standing to Challenge Human Endeavors That Could Change the Climate, Frederic L. Kirgis
Dissecting Interpretation (reviewing Sanford Levinson & Steven Mailloux eds., Interpreting Law and Literature: A Hermeneutic Reader (1998)), Lewis H. LaRue
Telling a Story about Storytelling, Andrew W. McThenia
Theories of the Corporation, David K. Millon
The First Antistrust Statute, David K. Millon
Academic Freedom, Hate Speech, and the Idea of a University, Rodney A. Smolla
Preserving the Bill of Rights in the Modern Administrative-Industrial State, Rodney A. Smolla
The Bill of Rights at 200 Years: Bicentennial Perspectives, Rodney A. Smolla
Publications from 1989
Misreading the Williams Act, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
Missing the Point About State Takeover Statutes, Lyman P.Q. Johnson and David K. Millon
The Reincarnation of Rule 152: False Hope on the Integration Front, Lyman P. Q. Johnson and Steve Patterson
Positivism in the Historiography of the Common Law, David K. Millon
On Ripeness and 'Pragmatism' in Admininstrative Law, Brian C. Murchison
Publications from 1988
State Takeover Statutes: Constitutionality, Community, and Heresy, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
The Eventual Clash Between Judicial and Legislative Notions of Target Management Conduct, Lyman P.Q. Johnson
Alien Tort Claims, Sovereign Immunity and International Law in U.S. Courts, Frederic L. Kirgis
Understanding the Act of State Doctrine's Effect, Frederic L. Kirgis
Faith in the Republic: A Frances Lewis Law Center Conversation, Ann MacLean Massie and David K. Millon
State Takeover Laws: A Rebirth of CorporationLaw?, David K. Millon
The Sherman Act and the Balance of Power, David K. Millon
Gilligan's Travels, Joan M. Shaughnessy
Emotional Distress and the First Amendment: An Analysis of Hustler, Rodney A. Smolla
The Ollie North, Bob Bork, Bye, Bye, Bye Centennial Blues, Rodney A. Smolla
Propaganda, Xenophobia, and the First Amendment, Rodney A. Smolla and Stephen A. Smith
Publications from 1987
Custom on a Sliding Scale, Frederic L. Kirgis
Federal Statutes, Executive Orders and "Self-Executing Custom", Frederic L. Kirgis
Beyond Liberal Constitutionalism (reviewing Richard Weisberg, Poethics: And Other Strategies of Law and Literature (1992)), Lewis H. LaRue
Constitutional Law and Constitutional History, Lewis H. LaRue
Statutory Interpretation: Lord Coke Revisted, Lewis H. LaRue
Dun & Bradstreet, Hepps, and Liberty Lobby: New Analytic Primer on the Future Course of Defamation, Rodney A. Smolla
Taking Libel Reform Seriously, Rodney A. Smolla
Publications from 1986
The Law and the Little Big Horn: What Beginning Law Students Can Learn from General Custer, Samuel W. Calhoun
Corporate Takeovers And Corporations: Who Are They For?, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Minnesota's Control Share Acquisition Statute and the Need for New Judicial Analysis of State Takeover Legislation, Lyman P. Q. Johnson
Posner on Literature, Lewis H. LaRue
Religion, Story and the Law of Contracts: Reply to Professor Berman, Andrew W. McThenia Jr.
Moments of Silence in Administrative Law: Notes on Judicial Method in the Deregulation Cases, Brian C. Murchison
Review of J. Lieberman ed., The Role of Courts in American Society: The Final Report of the Council on the Role of Courts, Doug Rendleman
Politics and Due Process Don't Mix: Should the State Claims Commission be Abolished, Rodney A. Smolla
American Association of Law Libraries Special Committee on the Future of AALL 1983-1985, Final Report, November 1985, Sarah K. Wiant