Content Posted in 2025
A Constitutional Mandate to Adopt AVs, Kevin Frazier
Aesthetics of Perpetration and Perpetrators in International Criminal Trials, Shannon Fyfe
Age—Not Sex or Gender—Makes the Case of Ellie Anderson Complex, Elizabeth Lanphier and Shannon Fyfe
Amalgam in the Americas: A Law School Curriculum for Free Markets and Open Borders, Mark A. Drumbl
Appeals in the Ad Hoc International Criminal Tribunals: Structure, Procedure, and Recent Cases, Mark A. Drumbl and Kenneth S. Gallant
Artificial Fiduciaries, Zhaoyi Li
A Taxonomy of Silencing: The Law’s 100 Year Suppression of the Tulsa Race Massacre, Suzette Malveaux
Back to the Future: Revisiting State Constitutions to Protect Against New Technological Intrusions, Matthew Radford
Book Review, Global Environmental Change and International Governance (1996), Mark A. Drumbl
Book Review, Jordan J. Paust, Beyond the Law: The Bush Administration's Unlawful Responses in the 'War' on Terror (2007), Mark A. Drumbl
Booze, Bars, and Bias: Anti-Blackness in Liquor Licensing Enforcement, Angela E. Addae
Brief of Amici Curiae in Support of Defendants-Appellees: Braidwood Management v. EEOC, Suzette Malveaux
Brief of Children’s Rights Advocates in Support of Appellees: Held v. Montana, Asha Brundage-Moore, Wyatt Sassman, and Catherine Smith
Brief of Law and Business Professors as Amici Curiae in Support of Respondents: MacQuarie Infrastructure Group v. Moab Partners, L.P., Sarah C. Haan
Brnovich: Extratextual Textualism, Maureen A. Edobor
Children and Violence: Agency, Experience, and Representation in and beyond Armed Conflict (Christelle Molima Bameka et al. eds., 2025), Christelle Molima Bameka, Jastine C. Barrett, Mohamed Kamara, Karl Hanson, and Mark A. Drumbl
Children as Informers and Denouncers, in Children and Violence: Agency, Experience, and Representation in and beyond Armed Conflict (Christelle Molima Bameka et al. eds., 2025), Mark A. Drumbl and Barbora Holá
Clean Data: Recursion as Pollution in Environmental AI, Joshua Fairfield
Commentary on Parekh’s No Refuge, Shannon Fyfe
Corporate Governance & International Law, Kishanthi Parella
Corporate Governance Speech, Sarah C. Haan
Cross-Examination and the Right to (College) Education: An Analysis of the Substantive and Procedural Rights, Spencer Thomas
Declaration of Catherine Smith: Navahine v. Dept. of Transportation, State of Hawai’i, Catherine Smith
Discrimination, Model Rule 8.4(g), and the ABA’s Quixotic Quest for Uniformity, Alex B. Long
Kennedy v. Louisiana and the Future of the Eighth Amendment, Alexandra L. Klein
Enforced Colorblindness, Goldburn P. Maynard Jr.
Everything You Need to Know about Aristotelian Rhetoric You Can Learn from Kendall Jenner and Serena Williams, Allison Wexler Weiss
Faking It: A Proposed Solution to Counter Nonconsensual Pornographic Deepfakes, Rena Song
Foreword, in Tongue-Tied America: Reviving the Art of Verbal Persuasion (Robert N. Sayler & Molly Bishop Shadel, 2d ed. 2014), Timothy C. MacDonnell
Free Speech and Anti-Democratic Violence, Andy J. Carr
From Anti-BDS to Anti-ESG: The Next Generation of Boycotting the “Boycott” Is Only Slightly Less Problematic, Kali Venable
FTC v. Amazon: A Turning Point for Antitrust Law?, Matthew Cole Conover
Give It Back: Title in Digital Property, in The Cambridge Handbook of Emerging Issues at the Intersection of Commercial Law and Technology (Stacy-Ann Elvy & Nancy S. Kim eds., 2025), Joshua Fairfield and Nathaniel (Nate) Reynolds
Grasping the Third Rail: Restorative Justice and Violent Crime, Olwyn Conway
(How) Is Prison Philosophy Public?, Shannon Fyfe, Amy McKiernan, and Elizabeth Lanphier
In Hopes of "Getting Our Act Together", Shannon Fyfe
Insurrection and Black Political Participation, Brandon Hasbrouck
International Criminal Law: Taking Stock of a Busy Decade, Mark Drumbl
International Human Rights, International Humanitarian Law, and Environmental Security: Can the International Criminal Court Bridge the Gaps?, Mark A. Drumbl
Interpreting Religious Doctrine: The Third Rail that Wags the Dog in Religion Clause Jurisprudence, Samuel J. Levine
Leveling the Playing Field for Racial Justice in the Civil Litigation System, Suzette M. Malveaux
Neurorights for Incarcerated Persons: Should We Curb Inflation?, Shannon Fyfe, Elizabeth Lanphier, and Andrew Peterson
New Voices Inspire New Directions, Mark A. Drumbl
Pediatric Off-Label Use of Covid-19 Vaccines: Ethical and Legal Considerations, Elizabeth Lanphier and Shannon Fyfe
Political Disinformation in the Anthropocene, Jeffrey Omari
Process for the Dispossessed: Procedural Rights from Magna Carta to Modern International Law, Mark A. Drumbl
Progressive Prosecution and the Progressive Prosecutor Movement, in Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology (Henry Pontell ed., 2025), Sarah Gottlieb
Prosecutorial Discretion, in Core Concepts in Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, Vol. II (Kai Ambos et al. eds., 2022), Shannon Fyfe
Prosecutor v Radislav Krstić: ICTY Authenticates Genocide at Srebrenica and Convicts for Aiding and Abetting, Mark Drumbl
Prosecutor v. Thomas Lubanga Dyilo. Décision sur la Confirmation des Charges. Case No. ICC-01/04-01/06, Mark A. Drumbl
Punishment, Postgenocide: From Guilt to Shame to Civis in Rwanda, Mark A. Drumbl
Refereeing NIL Athlete Agents: Examining Equitable and Protective Measures for NCAA Student-Athletes in a Post-Alston Environment, Katherine A. Berman
Rethinking Social Rights from Latin America, Christian Gonzalez Chacon
Rosebud Sioux Tribe v. Kneip, Lewis F. Powell Jr.
Rule of Law Amid Lawlessness: Counseling the Accused in Rwanda's Domestic Genocide Trials, Mark A. Drumbl
Takings Doctrinalization, Gerald S. Dickinson
Terrorist Crime, Taliban Guilt, Western Victims, and International Law, Mark A. Drumbl
The Absence of a Unified Theory in Children’s Fourteenth Amendment Jurisprudence, in International Survey of Family Law (Robin Fretwell Wilson & June Carbone eds., 2024), Catherine Smith, Tanya Washington, and Robin Walker Sterling
The Adult Rights-Bearing Archetype and How It Stifles Young People’s Equal Protection, Catherine E. Smith
The "Persuasion Route" of the Law: Advertising and Legal Persuasion, Sarah C. Haan
The Small Business Dilemma, Rachel G. Ngo Ntomp
Toward a Criminology of International Crime, Mark A. Drumbl
To Whom Should We Attribute a Corporation's Speech?, in States, Firms, and Their Legal Fictions (Melissa J. Durkee ed., 2024), Sarah C. Haan
Transnational Terrorist Financing: Criminal and Civil Perspectives, Mark A. Drumbl